Friday, February 25, 2005

Light Up My Life?

again is midnight.. jus watch finish ndge (kunda's sHow) tis show is quite lamn n funny but overall is nt a very bad sHow.. last few days was very Hot.. den got alot of lesson n project to do already.. n on wednesday my teacher Told us ouR attachment date has move Up.. actually it was on july.. den it change Until May till aUg... so fast have to go attachment.. i still Dun know alot of things.. somemore is recommend ppLe to the country hw would i know the country got what thing? but too bad loR dun know also must go.. today went to changi AirpORt..
visit de Sun flower Garden,transit hOtel,Swimming pooL(At T1) wah..i first time know inside de AirpORt there is Swimming pOol n HOtel.. COol right.. inSide check in Point.. was damn nIce.. hahax.. first time visit there so abit too............. hehe.. the toUR guide say from t1 to t2 if use walk is froM plaza sing to oRchard de dun know where hahahx.. but is really very faR...
The attachment eat away mY June HoIlday... after my attachment got 2 week BreaKs. den after tat going back to schoOl n study ticketing.. sianx.. but hor the test is damn easy very easy to study.. hahha... on marCh Hoildays mY aunt wanna bring mi n MY couSin to Thailand.. but i really dun wish to go lehx... i rather go Taiwan.. the amount she wanted mi to give her is the expensive den i go Taiwan.. nw Jetstar Asia onil 68 bucks lehx.. add altogether onil abOut 200+++ loR..kaox... if she dun wan bring mi go Taiwan. HongkOng also can ma.. hahahx... i dun wan go thailand waste my money.. i go there also go for wHAt... bUt is her Birthday lehx..but tat 1 week Hoilday i very Busy Worhx. i got Chalet after tat i need to go Overseas abit too rush ba.. hahhax.. never mind.. i will see how First.. GOod NITx......................................

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