Monday, November 07, 2005

i oso Hope tat the Feeling wilL go Off..

Putting a smile face on my face everyday is nt easy.. sometimes will Fail...n end up with Black face..really dun know my frens Hate me OR like me.. all the feeling they giving me was nt a good feeling.. Feel left Out~? mAke use oF me... i realLY dun KNow.. I trying haRd to Forget the Feeling but why it doesn't Go Off....

my dear frens.. if i really did something tat ur dun like pls let me know n dun hide it..
say be directly..... i wanna chAnge...

the first thing to change is my pi qi.
i TRy HArd Le.. NW adays i am nT Angry very easy le...
buT why i StilL got tis feeling tat......................


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