Tuesday, July 17, 2007


have nt been update for a month plus.. :P
been really lazy to blog it.. jus feel like blogging n i will blog lolx...

recently have alot of things happen in my life..
-job? contiuned the travel company or go find another jObx?
-family?-run away from home few days ago.. because of some stupid result.(dun worry i am fine)
-life? - my 2nd uncle passaway last monday... i was so shock when my cousin told me.. went to the wake once.. n my dad appear over dere.. although nv see him.. but secertly go.. n left.. i am very sad n regret for nt visiting him often.. :(
-married- congat to my cousin brother allan's sorry for nt attending ur wedding.. as i felt i will be very weird.. but all the best in ur marriage..

haix.. tat life u see.. watever is done is done.. there is no way for u to change..
maybe my uncle be happy in another part of the world.. i miss/Love U!

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